A good layout is very important regardless of the user’s objective. It does not matter whether it is a trophy base, farming base, or hybrid base. A poorly designed base will fall prey to the attackers regardless of how much gold you invest in the defense. On the other hand, a well-designed Best TH13 Base will stud fast to the attack even if the defense is not strong.
Best TH13 Base Links 2025
We will set up a new base layout for Townhall 13 2022. This is the latest and the most updated town hall till now. There will be a total of 11 different compartments in this new layout. 5 small rectangular compartments are placed in the middle of the layout. There are other 3 compartments on both the outer sides of the middle compartments. And there is an outer wall protecting the inner compartments.

The town hall is in the center of the base as it is a trophy base. Townhall is the most important element of the trophy base. To protect the Townhall, it is surrounded by air defense, clash castle, and air sweepers. They are also situated in the center of the base next to the Townhall. Protecting the TH means protecting the trophies. You should guard it by inferno towers, X-Bows, and eagle artillery. By doing this your TH will be heavily protected.
TH13 Base Without Scattershot
This kind of layout has few walls between the TH and at the edges of the base with few gaps. Gaps are used to mobilize the army easily so that they can counter-attack efficiently.
th13 farming base anti electro dragon
This is another layout of a trophy base. The main objective is the same as in the above base. Few patterns are different and we will address them in this section. As usual, Townhall is in the middle because the main objective is to secure the trophies by securing the Townhall. There is a strong defense around the TH. Other things that are inside the walls but outside the TH compartment include elixirs extractor, dark elixirs drill, and other resources and giants.
Best TH 13 Base For CWL
This is a typical farming base layout. It is the kind of base layout is designed against opponents who want to farm your resources. You try to protect gold, elixirs, and dark elixirs by devising a strategy that focuses on giving other elements to save the main objective which is, in this case, is resources.
Clash of Clans TH13 Base Links
Your most important resources are in the center compartment guarded by clan castle or it may be dark elixir storage. Other resources should be distributed equally into the other compartments, preferably around the center so that you don’t lose all the storage at once.
All the resources are inside the walls and TH is located outside the walls. With defense towers, archers, and giants.
TH13 Base Layouts 2025
This is a hybrid layout for a base. The hybrid layout focuses on protecting trophies and resources both at the same time with a strong defense.
You will try to make your TH secure with a very strong defense. Its destruction means you lose your trophies and all the resources it holds. You will place the wizard towers around the store within each other’s range. This will help you in destroying goblins, troops, and barbarians easily.
You will have a clan castle and hero as central as possible so that they can cover the whole base. Prioritizing the positioning of these defenses over cannons and archers which can be placed outside the walls. You should keep everything a little bit spread so that enemy should not take all the loot at once.
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