War bases are particularly designed to stop the opponent from obtaining stars. A perfect TH12 war base is built to block two or three triangles, the latter generally. Effective TH 12 war bases will keep away the enemy from achieving their target and cause. Your enemy has to perform multiple attacks on your position. Trophy layouts, you have used in multiplayer wars based on your progress and score, will also function as war layouts.
TH12 War Base Links 2022
The protections are typically the only ones that are barricaded by walls. You leave the collectors outside while storage may be left outside or put inside to secure protections.
The Clan Castle is usually in the center of the base where it is impossible to enter. And it is more common in wars to see troops of the Clan Castle in battle. Sometimes because of its very high damage performance, the defending Archer Queen can be used as a defense when constructing war layouts.

Engineered “anti-3 star” TH 12 war bases turn away from traditional behaviors to use troll-like lures. This allows quick access to “2 stars” while avoiding three points. Such TH 12 war base could involve simple access to the Town Hall to secure vital defenses. You may discreet rings away from defenses to funnel troops.
Town Hall 12 War Base
Anti 3 Star TH 12 War Base
When constructing such a strong TH 12 war base you will highly manipulate the actions of the troops. For starters, you can position your Air Defenses in a straight line pattern. Then Lava Hounds can head in that direction. These can break away from the balloons as Archer Towers and Hidden Teslas pick them out.
You can also put defenses in such a way that attacking Hog Riders is forced to move concurrently through two Giant Bombs as shown in above TH 12 war base design. This strategy will damage them severely. Grouping defenses together to heavily protect a single area will help resist Queen Walks and Queen Marches into that area.
It may compel the use of a Rage Spell or Freeze Spell. X-Bows, point defenses such as Cannons, and single-target Inferno Towers are doing this job very well.
Exploiting the power of Traps is as critical as placing defenses in a good position. A well-placed Spring Trap, for example, will launch multiple Giants or a single Ice Golem at once. It may dispose of Wall Breakers. On the other hand Finding, Air Mines is an easy way to get rid of the Healers that emerge in Queen Walks.
When building a firm TH 12 war base, it’s important to think about how you’d fight with the base you were constructing. Playing Fun Competitions with clanmates helps you to see how your platform can stand up to attacks.
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