If you are looking for the th13 hybrid bases, you are at the right place. These bases will surely help you, and you will like it. So without further ado, Let’s discuss the th13 hybrid base.
Best Th13 Hybrid Base 2025
The town hall is at the center of the base along with an archer tower, clan castle, elixir storage, archer queen, X-bow, spring trap, three seeking air mines, inferno tower, walls, giant bomb, spring trap, bomb tower and three giant bombs.
There are seventeen compartments in this base. If we start from the bottom, so there are four compartments at the bottom, the guard post, the canon archer tower and the wizard tower are in each compartment. Above that, there are four compartments, which have two X-bows, a mortar, a scattershot and the wizard tower.

Above that, an archer tower and the scattershot are placed in different compartments. Then we have three more compartments above these compartments which have X-bow, wizard tower, archer tower and a cannon.
We have four compartments at the top of the base. Three archer towers are placed in each compartment along with the Barack and double cannon. Multiple buildings are outside the compartments defending the base.
Anti Hybrid Base TH13
This base is added recently in the top th13 hybrid bases list. This base is divided into five compartments. In the centre, we have the town hall, clan castle, three air bombs, two air sweepers, two X-bows, barbarian king, two Scattershots, two gold storages, three giant bombs, two inferno towers, three elixir storages, dark elixir storage, five spring traps, two seeking air mines, two bomb towers, five inferno towers, eagle artillery, guard post and the royal champion.
At the center’s right, two elixir collectors, gold storage, two archer
towers, two cannons, five builder’s hut, two gold mines, double cannon, a giant bomb and the wizard tower are placed. Three archer towers, two air defenses, builder hut, bomb tower, two cannons, giant bomb, dark elixir drill, wizard tower, laboratory, elixir storage and the workshop.
Multiple buildings are below and above the center along with the buildings outside the walls that are placed to defend the base from the opponents.
Unbeatable Town Hall 13 Hybrid Base
We have nine compartments in this base. In the center, we have the town hall, two bomb towers, two wizard towers, air bomb and a giant bomb. Above the center, we have the town hall, two elixir storages, two archer towers, two giant bombs, air sweeper, seeking air mine, a spring trap, a barbarian king and the royal champion. Three inferno towers together with the two spring traps are above this compartment.
If we talk about the compartments that are at the bottom of the base, so we have four air bombs, a grand warden and the eagle artillery at the center. Below this compartment, we have a wizard tower and two hidden teslas. The wizard tower, X-bow, giant bomb, scattershot, air defense and spring trap are at the center’s left. Identical buildings are at the center’s right except for the giant bomb. Above the center, we have an archer queen, an air sweeper, double cannon, X-bow and two seeking air mines. Scattershot and an X-bow are in the next compartment.
At the bottom left compartment, we have a cannon and an archer tower. Identical buildings are at the bottom right compartment as well. Numerous buildings are outside the walls to protect the base from enemies.
Best TH 13 Hybrid Base With Link
This base is comprised of ten compartments. If we see from the bottom left to the top right, we have six compartments. Starting from the bottom left, we have a wizard tower, a mortar and an archer tower. A mortar, the clan castle and air defense are in the next compartment. In the center, we have a bomb and wizard tower along with the X-bow. Scattershot, an air defense together with the other buildings are placed after that. Above that, we have the town hall, a bomb tower and a cannon.
At the top right, two giant bombs, two seeking air mines, two inferno towers, an archer queen, X-bow, barbarian king, elixir and dark elixir storage, two mortars, air bomb, wizard tower, gold storage and an air sweeper. Two hidden teslas, an inferno tower, an air bomb, an air defense, wizard tower, elixir storage, a cannon, giant bomb and spring trap are placed right after that.
At the bottom right, we have elixir storage, royal champion, scattershot, gold storage and the grand warden. Eagle artillery, two air bombs, an elixir collector, gold mines and two builder’s hut are at the top left. Moreover, multiple buildings are outside the walls to guard the base against the attackers.
TH13 Anti Hybrid Base
In the center, we have the town hall, the clan castle, three inferno towers, wizard tower, dark elixir storage, hidden tesla, two air sweepers, three air bombs, seeking air mine, eagle artillery and the spring trap. We have four paths in this base that are starting from the center and going towards all sides of the base. The buildings that are placed towards the bottom left are scattershot, elixir storage, a mortar, giant bomb, two archer towers, hidden tesla, two cannons, wizard tower, gold storage, grand warden, an air sweeper and the X-bow.
The buildings that are placed at the bottom right path are elixir storage, a mortar, hidden tesla, a cannon, an archer tower, a spring trap, a wizard tower, double cannon, gold storage, an archer queen, an air defense, bomb tower and the X-bow. Dark elixir storage, a mortar, seeking air mines, mine, an archer tower, a cannon, wizard tower, an air defense, an archer queen, gold storage, spring trap, X-bow, bomb tower and the elixir collector sare at the top-left path.
Similarly, the buildings which are at the top-right path are scattershot, elixir storage, a mortar, hidden tesla, two archer towers, two seeking air mines, two cannon, an air bomb, wizard tower, spring trap, an air defense, royal champion, gold storage, X-bow, hidden tesla and the elixir collector. Numerous buildings are placed around the walls that are defending the base against the opponents.
So these are the best TH13 base links 2025.
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