Are you looking for the Top class TH9 Trophy Base anti-everything? If yes, then you are in the right place. So let’s see the best Town Hall 9 Trophy bases and let’s discuss what’s unique in it.
COC TH9 Trophy Base Links
In the middle, we have a clan castle, four hidden teslas, two air sweepers, and two giant bombs at the center. Above the center, we have dark elixir storage, an X-bow, air defense, and an archer queen.
We have two compartments below the center. The town hall, a barbarian king, an air defense, and an X-bow are placed. Right after that, an archer tower, bomb tower, air defense, and a dark elixir drill are placed.

At the bottom of the base, we have gold storage, a wizard and an archer tower, a cannon, and elixir storage. The same buildings are in the bottom left, top of the base, and the top right. At the left of the base, we have an air defense, dark elixir drill, a cannon, and an archer tower. Other buildings are placed outside the base for the defense.
Clash of Clans Town Hall 9 Trophy Base
This base is included in the top TH9 Trophy Bases. The town hall, an archer queen, a clan castle, and dark elixir storage are at the center. On the left and right of the center, we have an X-bow and gold storage. Two hidden teslas and air defense are placed at the top left and the bottom right. Two giant bombs, and air sweepers, an air defense, a mortar, and gold storage are above and below the center.
Elixir storage and a wizard tower are placed at the bottom and above the base. These same buildings are at the top left and bottom right of the base. A bomb and an archer tower, a cannon and a mortar are at the right of the base. At the right of the base, a mortar, barbarian king, double cannon, and an archer tower are placed.
Trophy Base Town Hall 9
No buildings are outside the walls in this base. The town hall, three archer towers, two X-bows, four hidden teslas, and dark elixir storage are at the center. Two gold storages, two elixir storages, two giant bombs are at the right and below the center.
Two gold storages, two dark elixir drill, two elixir storages are at the top and left of the center. Two builder’s hut is at the top left and the bottom right. Clan castle is at the bottom left, and an archer queen is at the top right. All these buildings are around the center.
Two layers of buildings are placed after that. Four wizard towers, four mortars, two archer towers, four air defenses, an air sweeper, four cannons, a bomb tower, a double cannon are placed at the first layer. Four army camps, four gold mines, seven elixir collectors, a barbarian king, and a builder’s hut, are in the second layer. So we can say that this is definitely an unbeatable th9 base.
Best Town Hall 9 Trophy Base
The town hall, two air defenses, two hidden teslas, and a clan castle are at the center. At the left of the center, elixir storage, an X-bow, gold storage, and an archer queen are placed. Identical buildings are placed at the top of the center except for the barbarian king. Two air defense, a double cannon, and dark elixir storage are above the center.
At the bottom left, we have Dark elixir storage, wizard, and an archer tower, and a cannon. The same buildings are at the top right except for the gold storage. Two archer towers, two hidden teslas, and a cannon are at the top left. An archer tower, wizard tower, builder’s hut, and elixir storage are at the right of the center.
Right after that, Three elixir collectors, two dark elixir drills, three gold mines, four mortars, two air sweepers, a cannon, and a bomb tower are placed.
TH 9 Trophy Base Without xbows
This base is there in the top class Th 9 Trophy bases. Clan castle, dark elixir storage, a bomb tower, and air defense are at the center. Above the center, we have an air sweeper, a barbarian king, an archer, and a wizard tower, an air sweeper, and a mortar. Right after that, we have a wizard tower, an archer queen, and a builder’s hut. The townhall, hidden tesla, and a builders hut are at the center’s left. Two X-bows are below this compartment. Elixir storage, an archer tower, an air defense, a mortar, and a cannon are in the next compartment.
At the bottom left, we have a cannon, a mortar, and an archer tower. After that, Gold storage, an X-bow, and an archer tower are placed. A builder’s hut is at the top right. Right after that, a cannon, a wizard, and an archer tower. Other buildings are outside the walls protecting the base.
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